Monday, May 7, 2007

Moisturizing Bath Salts

I wanted to make a little treat for my sisters and sisters-in-law for Mother's Day so today I'm making bath salts scented with lavender essential oils. The recipe is below.

  • 4 cups sea salt (I found mine in the bulk section of the health food store)
  • 2 cups baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon vitamin E
  • 40 - 60 drops essential oil

Mix well, divvy up into clear bags, and tie with a pretty ribbon.


  1. Thank you for the recipe for the bath salts! I like that you used vitamin E oil vs. vegetable glycerin.

  2. Thanks for the recipe. I've read that shea butter is a good moisturizer and I've seen bath salt recipes with shea butter in them so that might be a good fit. Although I have no idea on how to actually do it maybe aside from mixing it directly.

  3. Great place that I found last week for bath salt. They are wonderful. Midwest Bath Salt Company. WWW.MIDWESTBATHSALTCOMPANY.COM

    Made my recipes work great.

  4. Thank you for this recipe!! I'd like to make some for sweet Mother's day gifts!! What are the purple specks in your bath salt? It looks really pretty and I love it!! Again, thanks so much for sharing!!

  5. Hi...thanks! The specks are dried lavender.

  6. I do this with my PreK class every year!! I make mine with Epsom Salts, vitamin E, essential oils* and a few drops of food color!! (*freesia, vanilla, lavender, etc....) Kids can pick which scent and color for their mom....


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