Friday, June 7, 2013

Books that make drawing easy and fun! A tribute to Joy Sikorski.

This 2008 post about Joy Sikorski's books is still a popular post on my blog.

Awhile back someone emailed me and told me the link to Joy's site was not working. I couldn't find another site so I just changed the link to point to her author page on Amazon.

Yesterday I noticed on my stats how many hits the post is still getting so I decided to try to find a way to contact her to see if there was another place she wanted me to link, and to see if she wanted to do an update. In my search I found that Joy passed away from ovarian cancer in 2009 at age 57. I am so saddened by this and remember how nice she was to me when I asked her if it was okay to use this image from her site:

Yesterday I ordered "How to Draw a Happy Witch" since it's one I don't have. It's still for sale directly from Amazon. Amazon also has her books for sale from other sellers (new and used).

I read this article about Joy and love this quote:

I hope my legacy is to let everyone know that they can draw, it's easy and fun! And to be silly, which helps in everything in life.   - Joy Sikorski

Joy's books are so fun and I wanted to post this as a thanks to her for sharing her creative talents.


  1. A few days ago, searching about online for something or other... I stumbled onto your blog and read about Joy Sikorski's books. I immediately hopped over to Amazon and ordered a few. The books arrived yesterday and they are so utterly delightful. Thank you for introducing me to this wonderful author. I don't remember noticing, in your original post, that Joy had passed away -- perhaps you have just updated your post? Either way, I am terribly saddened by this. Her books are gorgeous and through them, her spirit shines.

    Thank you for the introduction to Joy's books.

  2. Yes, I updated the original post the same day I posted this tribute. I really appreciate you taking the time to comment and I'm glad you were able to get some of her books.


Thanks for your to read them!