Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Play Kitchen for Kids - Woodworking Plans

 We have added a new set of plans to our shop: the Play Kitchen for Kids.

My husband made this for Christmas for our little C who is about 1 1/2. We brought it in the house to take photos for the Etsy listing so we've kind of ruined the surprise. It's a hit with her and also M who is almost 4. They both love to help in the kitchen...the minute anyone starts to make something you can count on both of them running to the dining room to push chairs into the kitchen so they can "help."

This is a really sturdy little kitchen with a top and bottom cupboard for storage and a solid countertop. It can be finished with any paint color or hardware (new or thrifted) you choose. We added a stainless steel bowl "sink", a bathroom faucet, and a side towel rack to ours.

Here is the link to buy the plans: Play Kitchen for Kids - Woodworking Plans
More from our shop: Iron Timber

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