Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Homemade Brownies Recipe - Big Batch

I have made these brownies 5 times in the last two weeks for different occasions. M saw the cookie sheet on the counter a couple of days ago and squealed with delight that we had more brownies. When I lifted him up to show him it was just the empty washed pan, he was really disappointed.

I have tried lots of homemade brownie recipes and this one is a keeper. The icing on top makes up for the fact that they don't have the crackly top that I love and makes them more like something from a bakery. The recipe makes 4 dozen brownies so it's great for a crowd or if you really, really love brownies.

The recipe is adapted from the Fudge Brownies recipe in the red plaid Better Homes & Gardens cookbook. I quadrupled the ingredients, substituted cocoa for the unsweetened chocolate (just because I always have cocoa on hand but almost never have unsweetened chocolate), and omitted the nuts because two of my kids can't have them. I topped them with the Fudge Frosting recipe also adapted from the BH&G cookbook and I put it on while the brownies are hot so it makes a thin icing.

Big Batch O' Brownies

2 cups butter (4 cubes)
1 1/2 cups unsweetened cocoa powder
4 cups sugar
8 eggs
4 teaspoons vanilla
3 cups unbleached flour

Preheat the oven to 350 F. Grease a 12 x 17" cookie sheet (or half sheet or jelly roll pan...whatever you call it). Grease it all the way up the sides and even over the rim because these brownies fill up the whole pan when they are cooked.

In a large saucepan, melt the butter over low heat and stir in the cocoa. Pour it into a large mixing bowl (I use a KitchenAid but you could do this by hand). Stir in the sugar, then add the eggs and vanilla. Stir in the flour until just combined.

Spread the batter into the pan and bake for 30-35 minutes. After you take the brownies out, make the icing.

Fudge Icing

4 1/2 cups powdered sugar
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 cup butter
1/3 cup water
1 teaspoon vanilla

Heat butter and water in the microwave until hot and bubbly. While it's heating whisk together the powdered sugar and cocoa in a large bowl. Pour the butter/water mixture into the bowl, add the vanilla, and beat with a mixer for about a minute. Scrape the sides and beat a few more seconds.

Pour over the still hot brownies and spread to the edges. Let everything cool. 

Cutting Tips

It's hard to cut brownies without making a crumbly mess but I Googled for the best way to cut them and lots of sites and blogs recommended a plastic knife. I clicked on the first result which was here. I tried it and it works!

And...if you weigh your dough for rolls on a postage scale like I do, you might be interested to know how I cut to get 4 dozen brownies. Sometimes it's a curse to be a rocket scientist, huh?. :)

On the long side: cut in half, cut the two sections in half, then cut the four sections in half again (making 8 columns)

On the short side: cut in half and then cut each half into thirds (making 6 rows)



  1. Oh you have just made me so hungry! I'm definitely making these this weekend:) Thanks for the recipe, have a Blessed week.

  2. Thanks, Cassie! They really are yummy...

  3. I made this recipe for my husband's co-workers on his last day work. They loved it! In the last few minutes of of cooking I spread a layer of mini marshmallows over the top and put it back in the oven under the broiler until they were nice and toasted. Once the marshmallow had cooled I spread a layer of chocolate frosting and sprinkled the whole pan with M&M's. Yum! Thanks for the great recipe!

  4. Great idea with the marshmallows, Kirstin! Thanks!


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