Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Baby Girl and a Vintage Upholstery Quilt

I have good news I've been planning to share for a while...we are expecting a little girl in a couple of weeks! We are getting so excited to welcome her into our family. She'll be in our room for awhile, and since Mr. M (now 2) is still in the crib, I haven't gotten a room ready for her yet, but when I do it will all be inspired by this wonderful quilt that my husband's grandma made out of upholstery samples...

I love, love, love all the different colors, patterns, and textures and it will be so fun to use it in her room.


  1. wow! congrats!
    we're due about the same time, i have about 4-5 more weeks! another boy!

    good luck in the coming weeks!

  2. Congratulations! I hope you are feeling well. :)


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