Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Seeds: Saving and Soaking

This year I planted some flower seeds that were saved from my grandma's garden and some rattlesnake bean seeds I saved from my garden. This is what they look like now...

I also tried soaking all of my seeds in water for 24 hours before planting them (a tip I read about here) and I really think it helped them germinate and grow faster. Will definitely do this again next year (and will try saving even more seeds from my garden).


  1. I was looking for ideas on how to make mini books and I stumbled upon your lovely Blog! Thank you for some beautiful inspiration and I will let you know when I make a little book!
    Come back soon ;-)

  2. i love these photos, and your blog ~ i'm a decorator and stylist, and a mom of four kids, and i'm always always trying to find what's beautiful in the everyday ~ looks like you found it! thank you! lynn-anne

  3. What a great blog you have here! Just the layout is so simple an beautiful. Great photographs! I will keep coming for more :)

  4. Thanks so much for the sweet comments!

  5. I love your ideas - thank you for your time and the "things in a box and heart book markers" are awesome!!

  6. Your blog is wonderfully sensual and I love it!

    I want to leave a footprint to you from the very very south part of Sweden by....


  7. Hi Jeni and Agneta, thank you for visiting!


Thanks for your comments...love to read them!