Monday, August 25, 2008

Saving Seeds

{seed pods}

This summer I told my grandma I loved the double-petaled orange wildflowers growing in her yard (I think they are calendula but I'm not positive). When the flowers dried out she saved some pods for me. I followed the instructions here to save them and hopefully I can plant them next year.

I'm sure I could have just bought the seeds somewhere, but it seems so cool to have starts and seeds from other gardens. I have wild violets growing by our front steps that are also from my grandma's yard and our raspberry patch came from some raspberry starts a cute guy brought to me on our second date (he's now my husband).

I also think it would be fun to make seed tape.


  1. How fun to have something from your grandma's garden. Whenever you see them growing you'll think of her. You have a lovely blog.


Thanks for your to read them!