Friday, June 27, 2008

Tooth Fairy Jar

Last night B lost a tooth so I thought it would be fun to share our Tooth Fairy tradition that a friend shared with me a few years ago. Previous to this new tradition I just had my kids put their tooth under their pillow and in the morning the tooth was replaced with money (that's how I did it growing up). Well, I woke up my kids more than once while trying to do the "exchange."

Our new tradition is the Tooth Fairy Jar. Just fill up a jar with water, place it on your child's nightstand, and have your child drop the tooth inside before bed. The next morning, the tooth is replaced with coins and the water is blue (food coloring). So much easier! Well, as long as the mouth of the jar is wide enough for your hand to reach inside and grab the tooth, and you don't overfill the jar with water. That could cause issues.

Last night I also sprinkled some silver glitter in the jar and that was a fun addition. And the presidential $1 coins make a great prize (like pirate booty).


  1. I love that idea! I hope I can remember it by the time my kids start losing teeth

  2. What a neat way to do the tooth fairy! I'll have to share it with the kids.

  3. What a great idea Now I just have to wait for my girls to loose their first teeth! Have a great day.

  4. What a cute idea... I remember many years ago when my boys were little... I had them put them in a baggie... because it was so hard to figure out where the tooth had run off to. A few times the tooth fairy wrote a note saying that she heard there was a tooth that needed to be picked up but she was unable to find it :)~ I will have to try the jar when Hope loses her teeth...

  5. O.k., I was just dying laughing at your re-enactment of the tooth fairy "visitation." That has so happened at my house! I love you're new way of doing it!

  6. I just came across your blog while reading some old posts at Today's Creative Blog. I just have to say that the Tooth Fairy Jar is the cutest idea I have heard of in awhile! I'll have to remember that yeaarrrsss down the road when I have kiddies loosing teeth. Great site too! Super cute!!

  7. This is a fantastic idea! It would be a great feature in the DIY Parenting section of my website, would you mind if I posted on it and linked back to you?

    Thanks in advance,

  8. I love this idea (found you on The Crafty Crow). My son is still waiting to lose that first tooth. This will be a great way for the tooth fairy to visit.

  9. What a fun idea! I'm thinking I could even have 2 jars and not need to reach in and grab the tooth but just swap the blue water jar for the one with the tooth!

    I just need to remember to get rid of the first jar before morning - LOL!!

  10. yes this is a great idea! Thanks for sharing it. I also found your post on Crafty Crows blog.

  11. I found you from the crafty crw...this is a wonderful idea!

  12. Welcome Crafty Crows visitors...thanks for your comments!

  13. such a cute idea! A friend shared with me the idea of using the quarters from the states and using coins from other countries to show some of the other places the tooth fairy has visited that night...

  14. State and foreign coins are a great idea!

  15. Don't forget the confessions of a tooth fairy

  16. I'm also over from Crafty Crow - I love this idea! My mom used to sprinkle glitter from our pillow to the window sill on the nights the Tooth Fairy visited and I always thought it was so magical. I'm hoping to create the same sort of magic for my daughter. Thank you!

  17. This such a cute idea and I might just have to try this when it comes time to my son losing his teeth. Also I may pick up an extra jar and just fill instead of trying to stick my hand in this one with water. Do the old switch trick and then empty the one with the tooth.

  18. Yes, I agree with Momma Roar and Anonymous that having two jars would be easier! Great feedback...

  19. I have a cousin (now nearly 30 years old) who still swears the tooth fairy is real because he found a scrap of lace in his room that must have come from her dress. This is the same kind of magic I want my kids to love when I have kids.

  20. I titled my collection of To Do's "Scribbles" because usually I scribble the ideas on a piece of paper and hen lose it! At least this way (adding a link in my blog), when I think back to that great idea I saw, I will be able to locate it!

    I have added your idea! How fabulous!

    Check it out at my blog!

  21. Mummy of Two...That's a great idea to capture ideas on your blog. I would love to check it out but it looks like I don't have access to your blog and I don't have an email for you. Hopefully you'll see this so you'll know I tried to respond!

  22. Just found your blog - from Craft who are featuring your muffins - and I like it so much I'm reading some of the older stuff.

    I'd definitely do the switch. My mother finally admitted that this is why we always had to choose real socks for hanging up at Christmas - the other one would then be taken away to be stuffed in peace with a gin and tonic to hand and the visit of Father Christmas to the bedroom then took only seconds to achieve . I now follow in this family tradition. Mind you I nearly ruined it this year by putting a talking toy in the top. He looked quite but I squeezed the sock as I put it down and he started talking!

  23. whatsonox...thanks for stopping by!

  24. I love this idea, but it will definitely be awhile till I can do it - we're expecting our 1st in March!!! I hope that I will still remember this in 6-7 yrs or so! LOL
    I'm going to read some more of your blog when I get a chance b/c it sounds like you have a lot of great ideas!

  25. just wanted to let you know i featured you today :)

  26. This sounds much easier than the traditional method for the poor "fairy". And it even seems magical for the kids!

  27. Love the idea. Wish I'd have thought of it 20 years ago! I would use 2 jars, though. Less mess. Less chance of getting caught.


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