Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Update 6/2013: This post from 2008 is one of the most popular on my blog, due to Pinterest. I just learned that Joy (the author of the fun books below) passed away in 2009. Please read more about her here.

I got these books by Joy Sikorski off my bookshelf downstairs and I'm going to set them out in a basket with some colored pencils for some summer doodling fun...

How to Draw a Clam
How to Draw a Radish
How to Draw a Cup of Coffee
Squeaky Chalk

If you aren't familiar with Joy's books, here's a sample drawing lesson...

{image used with permission from Joy Sikorski}


  1. What great books! I'm going to try that birdie tutorial. I think even I, who can usually draw nothing more complicated than a stick person, can do that one! :)

  2. Thanks so much for sharing these. My daughter will love them!

  3. uh. you own the coolest books and things. and now i know how to draw a bird from an arrow. sweet.

  4. I stumbled onto your site looking for paper star instructions for, of all things, girl's camp. Yeah, I found another LDS blogger:)

  5. I looked at the ladies website and she has heaps of free drawing lessons, thanks!

  6. Totally cute! My boys would love these books!

  7. I wanna live at your house! How fun to have those books out and available for those little moments of down time!

  8. Just stumbled upon this post and as a result ordered one of the books. My kids will love this. Thanks for sharing this.

  9. thanks for this! how fun~! unfortunately, your link isn't working to the artists site??? it's one of those "this domain name may be avaliable things"...

  10. Thanks for letting me know. Unfortunately, it looks like Joy's site is no longer available so I updated it to an Amazon link to her books.


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